April 28th on Kong
Recommended Pick of the Day!
Bomboozle by Megadev
Quick Review: This game is one of those games that could easily be the next greatest puzzler your mom would play. That is why this game is the COCAK pick of the day. Flawless in it's completely simplistic design and addictive play. Check it, or maybe make a quick referral by making your mom have a look, they'll enjoy it I promise.
For more great games check out the reviews on ACKK.
Chat Room of the Week: Scribbles!
Scribbles was one of the first chat rooms, has a strong community and is a great place to hand out. Check out Scribbles were COCAK will be hanging out over the next week.
Check out these great forum topics!
Official COCAK Thread!
In-Game Microtransactions
Kongregate Desktops
What do blind people see?
Highly addicting game that is well put together. I love that it's a fresh spin on an already familiar game (bejeweled). Part of me wants to hate you & part of me wants to say 'thank you!' for turning me on to this game...gotta go play it some more KTHXBI :)
ACCK? Sounds like a cool site :P Thanks for the nod.
haha, sorry about the misspell, it's all cleared up now and lalligood I'll take a thank you =]
The best thing about Kong... it's daily :P
Maybe we should tell Malachi to change the banner's color to dark red/brown?
I can change the banner... I'll mess around with it later. But I'm mad at the Scribbles crap >:O. MalFunction has been dubbed Scribbles 2.0 (by some 2.Mal xP)! I demand publicity!
*more ranting*
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