Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kongai: Pre-Con Decks

Decks made from COCAK members, decks from community members, maybe eventually a deck from the staff.

Check Out: Sample Kongai Decks from a Kongregate Wiki

If you have a deck to add to this, please post it in the comments and I will add it.

3-Card Decks

Lightsun's Deck:
1)Helene & Valkyrie's Charm.
2)Rumiko & Scroll of the Inner Focus.
3)Cain Solomon & Healing Salve.

I think that the fact that Rumiko is a far ranged card, Helene a short ranged one and Cain is good in both ranges, makes the deck good, and also it is balanced. You got to have patiece for using this Deck, because it is a deck for switching a lot.
The weakness of this deck are cards good in both ranges, and also, if you lose a character, the strategy will be defeated.

Smigbob's Deck:
1. Rumiko and Scroll of Inner Focus
2. Ambrosia Thorn and Necronomic Tomes
3. Amaya and (whatever adds 10 hp)

I always start by Ninja-Porting, switching to Amaya, do a quick Chi Blast, and switch to Ambro for most of the remainder of the game. I take out an enemy card almost instantly, and take very little damage in the process. However, energy management is a pain, and I almost never win when Higashi comes into the picture.

esiex3's Deck
1) Marquis/Necronomic Tomes
2) Andromeda/Herbal Remedy
3) Higashi/scroll of inner focus

Not for noobs. Higashi is for reading the enemy, and if you do it correctly, you hit them for a lot of damage. Andromeda is a finisher and a staller. Marquis fights whoever andromeda and higashi can't take. There's no real formula or set steps for this deck. Formulas = you get read = you lose.

seven's Decks:

1) Ambrosia + Tomes
2) Phoebe + Stone
3) Cain + Phylactery

Pretty simple to use. Ambro is played as a tank using spiked boots to try and get a stun for vamp's kiss. Phoebe is your ranged high speed hitter and Cain is good at both ranges and phylactery works more often than not especially if you need it.

Second Seven Deck:
1) Onimaru + Salve
2) Yoshiro + Generals Insignia
3) Rumiko + Scroll

This deck tends to have really long games as I start with a get far -> Ancestral Spirit. Most people try to intercept when you get far and thus you start being tanked up before they attack you. Salve restore most of the damage over time anyways and when they get bored and force it into close range, then you can kick in with sword flurry or double slash.

Otherwise you are free to switch whenever you feel like as they don't have a clue what you will be likely to do because you have just been spamming one skill and gaining energy for the first few turns of the match while they have been trying to achieve some kind of strategy.

This means long term you are in a better position to read them than they are to read you and thus you are more likely to win the game.

5-Card Decks

Please if you have a awesome pre-made deck comment and tell us about it, what's your strategy when you use it? Any visible weaknesses? Does it pwnzor?


Cinema Insomnio (Favio) said...

My deck is this one:
1)Helene & Valkyrie's Charm.
2)Rumiko & Scroll of the Inner Focus.
3)Cain Solomon & Healing Salve.

I think that the fact that Rumiko is a far ranged card, Helene a short ranged one and Cain is good in both ranges, makes the deck good, and also it is balanced. You got to have patiece for using this Deck, because it is a deck for switching a lot.
The weakness of this deck are cards good in both ranges, and also, if you lose a character, the strategy will be defeated.
I NEVER lost using this deck :P.

Tedums the Precious said...

1. Rumiko and Scroll of Inner Focus
2. Ambrosia Thorn and Necronomic Tomes
3. Amaya and (whatever adds 10 hp)

I always start by Ninja-Porting, switching to Amaya, do a quick Chi Blast, and switch to Ambro for most of the remainder of the game. I take out an enemy card almost instantly, and take very little damage in the process. However, energy management is a pain, and I almost never win when Higashi comes into the picture.

EsIeX3 said...

Current deck is:

1) Marquis/Necronomic Tomes
2) Andromeda/Herbal Remedy
3) Higashi/scroll of inner focus

Not for noobs. Higashi is for reading the enemy, and if you do it correctly, you hit them for a lot of damage. Andromeda is a finisher and a staller. Marquis fights whoever andromeda and higashi can't take. There's no real formula or set steps for this deck. Formulas = you get read = you lose.

EsIeX3 said...

BTW, there's other sample decks here too:


I still mainly use the one I already posted, but I occasionally use the ones I put on this wiki (they're still really effective).

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of decks that I use to good effect for 3 card.

One is
1) Ambro+Tomes
2) Phoebe+Stone
3) Cain+Phyl

Pretty simple to use. Ambro is played as a tank using spiked boots to try and get a stun for vamp's kiss. Phoebe is your ranged high speed hitter and Cain is good at both ranges and phylactery works more often than not especially if you need it.

My other deck is

1) Onimaru + Salve
2) Yoshi + Generals
3) Rumiko + Scroll

This deck tends to have really long games as I start with a get far -> Ancestral Spirit. Most people try to intercept when you get far and thus you start being tanked up before they attack you. Salve restore most of the damage over time anyways and when they get bored and force it into close range, then you can kick in with sword flurry or double slash.

Otherwise you are free to switch whenever you feel like as they don't have a clue what you will be likely to do because you have just been spamming one skill and gaining energy for the first few turns of the match while they have been trying to achieve some kind of strategy.

This means long term you are in a better position to read them than they are to read you and thus you are more likely to win the game.

Anonymous said...

My Decks:
1) a) Onimaru and Scroll
b) Ambro and Necromic Tome
c) Zina and Tiger Claw

2) a) Vanessa Voss and Nectromic Tome
b) Onimaru and Healing Salve
c) Yoshiro and Jade Figurine

These are both equilibrated decks... Onimaru i think is a basic for any deck... and with scroll its better cuz it doesn't needs so much energy or each attack. there are both cool

Anonymous said...

My deck is:

Amaya + generals Insignia
Onimaru + Origami Crane
Yoshiro + Caltrops

i gave yoshiro caltrops so when an enemy switchs and i catch them with risingdragon they also recieve 10 damage. onimaru has the crane because too many times have i missed a key attack to win me a game. and amaya has generals insignia because i see that sometimes when i cant switch out and im a few attack points lower of a kill

Anonymous said...

Helen (breastplate)
Pheobe (breastplate or herbal remedy)
Higashi (focus scroll)

With Helen as your tank, with 12 armor, she may easily absorb many physical attacks, having a higher armor than even Onimaru. Then you have Pheobe as your ranged spamming deafening crack between powerlashes. With the lessened accuracy even Andromeda can lose against Pheobe at range. If your opponent is greifing you with switches trying to stay at the ranges you don't want, throw Higashi in and burn them with Chi Blast when they switch in and can't run, or if they switch in close spam Open Palm or Sweep after losing energy.

I have won all 5 matches I've played with this strategy.