Friday, July 25, 2008

Protector: Reclaiming The Throne

Oh dear, has it been that long already? With a new protector comes a new walkthrough, and more time wasting for me apparently. I'll be documenting my playthrough, with screenshots and strategies as I progress.

If anyone else actually needs me to be more specific on the "erased" levels, leave a comment.

Table Of Contents:

I. Important Things to Know Before Reading
II. Walkthrough
Part 1: The Beginning
i. New Home
ii. Lower Karnagh
iii. Upper Karnagh
iv. Coastal Ruins
v. Achirion Wastes
vi. Collapsed Shrine
vii. Decrepit Passage

Part 2: The Middle
i. Old Shaven Road
ii. The Forgotten Bridge
iii. Elemental Forest
iv. Curious Stones
v. Path To Shoreview
vi. Fallen Mines
vii. The Concert
viii. The Frog Puddle

Part 3: The End
i.Not So Vast Forest
ii.Spine Of Kraxos
iii. The Old Throne
iv. Captured Shipyard
v.Stonefield Border
vi.Lighthouse Ruins
vii.The Evil Throne

Part 4: The Beginning - Revisited
i. New Home - Revisited
ii. Lower Karnagh - Revisited

III. Changelog
IV. Things to be Added

I. Important Things to Know Before Reading

1. Always play with speed up at low settings to make everything a lot faster.

2. My instructions are basically what I did that let me beat that level that one time: most of the time it works in almost any case, but sometimes I might have just have been lucky.

3. Leave comments if something goes wrong in the walkthrough. Be sure you have the skill points needed, and followed my directions pretty thoroughly. Explain what wave/part you died at.

4.If I say "upgrade to the max", i mean upgrade until it can't be upgraded anymore, due to not enough exp to level.

5.RBW means Right Before Wave

6.Should I continue the hardcore walkthrough? Since there is no badge for it yet, and I figure that my current walkthrough strategies should mostly work for the hardcore levels as well, I'm not sure whether I should do it.

II. Walkthrough

Part 1: The Beginning

i. New Home

Unit Builds:

Level 2: Left Fire, Middle Energy, Right Cold
Level 3: Armor Pierce
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Tactician


1. Build 3 warriors, upgrade them as appropriate when you have the gold, spread out as evenly as you can.

ii. Lower Karnagh

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment

Unit Builds:

Mages in the Middle:

Front Two / Back Two
Level 2: Cold / Fire
Level 3: left cripple, right infect / right cripple, left infect
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Inflictor

Mages Near the Entrance:

Front Two / Back Two:
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Debuff / Slow
Level 4: Specialist
Level 5: Inflictor


1.Build middle 4 first.
Right before Wave 3: Upgrade everyone to level 2. (or when possible)
RBWave4: Level Cold guys to level 3.
RBWave 5: 3 mages up top, build the last one after this wave ends. Leaked boss.

2.Upgrade red guys to level 3 when permitted.
Upgrade all the top guys to level 2.
Upgrade all the top guys to level 3.
Upgrade the middle 2 blue guys to level 4 ASAP (once you have gold and are done with the top guys).

*Leaked some wave 9, but didn't upgrade the blue guys asap.
*Leaked wave 10 twice...

3. Guys near the entrance to level 3.
By now you should have plenty of gold, upgrade everyone as soon as possible.

4.Right before wave 15, you should have lots of gold. Just build lots of mages in your empty slots (NOT IN PIC)

iii. Upper Karnagh

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment, Cold Focus

Unit Build:

Mages in the Middle
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Top 2 cripple, bottom infect
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase

Mages near the top
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Top 2 debuff, bottom slow
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor

Mass Mages:
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Who cares


1.Start off by building 3 mages in the middle square.
RBWave 2:Upgrade 2 mages to level 2. One shouldn't be able to, upgrade ASAP.
RBWave 4:Upgrade 2 mages to level 3, including bottommost one. Upgrade other ASAP.
Upgrade all 3 mages to level 4, ASAP.

2. RBWave8: Build the top 3 mages. Upgrade them to level 3 ASAP.
Upgrade any bottom mage that you can to level 5.
*Leaked some wave 9, but didn't upgrade ASAP.
*Leaked wave 10.

3. Upgrade your mages when you can from now on.
At around wave 13, instead of making warriors like I foolishly did, mass a lot of mages on your other tiles, starting with the ones that can cover the most space. I had a lot of gold, but chose not to use it, and hence leaked a lot.

iv. Coastal Ruins

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment, Fire Focus

Unit Build:

Mages in Middle Platform
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Top 2 Cripple, Bottom 2 Infect
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase

Mages at the 4 corners of the top platform:
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Top 2 Debuff, Bottom 2 Slow
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase

Mass Mages:
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Whatever
Level 4:Generalism

Warriors on 2 platforms (not in picture, but recommended)
Level 2: Physical
Level 3: Armor Pierce
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Tactician

Skill Build:

1.Build 4 mages in the middle platform with 4 tiles.
RBWave 3: Upgrade everyone to level 2.
RBWave 6: Upgrade everyone to level 3.
RBWave 7: Upgrade everyone to level 4 (ASAP for the ones that can't yet).
RBWave 9: Add 4 mages at the 4 corners of the top platform. Upgrade middle platform mages to level 5 ASAP.
*Almost leaked wave 9.
Upgrade your units when you can.

2.RBWave 14, Add 4 warriors to the top platform (do so once you have to gold for it). Pave the middle of the middle platform, and add 2 warriors there when you can. Upgrade everyone when you can.
RBWave 20, use all your gold to add mages to all of your remaining unused tiles, starting from the small islands on the bottom then to the sides. Don't make any more mages after this level for now. Instead, Upgrade your units some more.

RBWave 22, again, use all your gold to add mages to the remaining unused tiles. This time, continue to do so until you fill up all the tiles. Upgrade any units that you can during this time that can still attack the people. I leaked 7, might have been preventable if I did that.

Continue to upgrade your units.
*Didn't leak any wave 24, but I upgraded my units as soon as they leveled, which is essential to no leaks this level.
*leaked last level.

v. Achirion Wastes

Skill Points:
Warrior:Ferocity, Frozen Forging,
General:Hardy, Tough

Unit Build:

Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Critical
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage

Top 2 Mages:
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Infect
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase

Bottom 2 Mages:
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Slow
Level 4: Specialism


1.Start off with 2 mages up top (1 near each entrance) and 4 wars on bottom, building from the center outwards for warriors. Add in another warrior when you have a chance. These 5 warriors are marked with yellow. Upgrade your top 2 mages and warriors to level 2 ASAP.

2. RBW3, Add the final 2 warriors on the bottom (the pink ones). Upgrade your mages to level 3 ASAP.
Don't forget to upgrade your warriors to level 2 as well.

RBW5: add the bottom 2 mages.
RBW6: Upgrade everyone, then start making warriors on the bottom, building outwards to the center. Do this until you complete the setup in the picture.

2.Start upgrading everyone, prioritizing your mages first (upgrade them before you upgrade any warriors from now on.), and upgrade your warriors from the inside outwards.
Wave 8 was a little tight, but upgrade your warriors to level 2 during it and you should be fine.
(I had level 4 top mages, all but 2 level 2 warriors, and 2 level 3 warriors.)
3. Upgrade upgrade upgrade.
Be sure NOT to make any new units for now, despite the lots of gold.

4.RBWave 15: fill up the remainder of slots with warriors. Do it RBW16 as well.
Be sure to upgrade your stuff ASAP. Focus on your bottom warriors, but don't neglect to upgrade the top ones that can still attack during wave 18 to level 2.
Be sure to upgrade the ones near the bottom cold mages ASAP though.
*Leaked wave 15 once
*leaked wave 17 once
*leaked wave 18 7 times.
*leaked wave 19 8 times.

vi. Collapsed Shrine

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment, Fire Focus, Energy Focus, Destruction,
General: Hardy (or Frugal if you want, doesn't really matter)

Unit Builds:

Bottom 4 Mages / The Other Bottom Mages
Level 2: Fire/Energy (Half/Half)
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage

Lone Guy In The Middle (Uppermost one)
Level 2: Energy
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Increased Duration


1.Build the bottom 4 guys, and the one guy closest to the middle (the purple one thats a little to the right of the middle). Upgrade them evenly, being sure to make sure the mage on the end gets some exp.
2.RBWave10: Make the other 4 mages that are above the bottom 4. Upgrade when appropriate.

vii. Decrepit Passage

Skill Points:

Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Energy Focus,Destruction,Quickspell,Magical Might

Unit Builds:

Middle/Top Middle Platform Mages AND Your Mass Mages

Level 2: Fire/Energy (Half/Half)
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
level 7: Generalism

Bottom Middle Platform Mages
Level 2: Fire/Energy
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor


Start off by building 4 mages in the middle of the middle platform.
RBWave4: Upgrade them all to level 2.
RBWave5:Upgrade as many as you can to level 3

RBWave6: Add the 2 mages on the bottom part of the middle platform.
RBWave7: Add the 2 mages on the top part of the middle platform.
Upgrade anyone whenever, prioritizing your new mages and lower leveled ones.

During wave 16, start filling up remaining tiles with mages.
finish filling remaining tiles, but stop to upgrade any units that might have leveled.
*leaked some level 17.
Upgrade anyone whenever.
*leaked wave 20.
*Leaked lots wave 22

Part 2: The Middle

i. Old Shaven Road

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Poison Focus, Destruction
General: Hardy, Frugal, Miser,

Unit Build:

Bottom Platform Mages
Level 2: Poison
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
level 7: Generalism

Top/Middle Platform Mages
Level 2: Poison
Level 3: Infect
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase


1. The beginning of this level requires precise timing, so play on SLOW settings for now. Start off with the mage up top, and upgrade it to level 2 AS SOON AS IT LEVELS. AS SOON AS YOU HAVE THE GOLD, build a mage on the bottom right corner of the bottom platform. AS SOON AS IT LEVELS, upgrade that one to level 2. From now on, just fill up the bottom platform as soon as you have the gold. After you do that, switch back to fast settings.

2. Now, upgrade the bottom platform mages evenly. Don't upgrade the top mage though.

3. RBW8: Upgrade your top guy to the max.

4.Now just upgrade your units as soon as they level.

So for these next four maps, I accidentally erased all of the walkthrough, but I have the pictures! And so, I'll try to salvage what I remember. Tell if anything is wrong.

ii. The Forgotten Bridge

*crazy level, you gain like 0 exp*

Skill Points:
Warrior: Ferocity, Lava Forging, Physical Forging, Finesse,Frozen Forging, Intimidation, General: Frugal, Miser

Unit Build:

Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Critical
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: lolwut

Arrow Mage:
Level 2:Fire
Level 3:Debuff

Other Mages:
Level 2:rofl


1.Start with 2 warriors on bottom, marked in red. Add 1 more red marked as soon as you have the gold. Add the red arrow mage on the bridge, and upgrade all your warriors to level 2.
RBW3: upgrade your warriors to level 3
RBW4: add the 4 blue marked warriors up top (treat the Xed out mage as a warrior)
2.After this, you can begin to mass warriors on all the empty tiles (mages in the water), and pave and make even more warriors. Upgrade your units when they level up.

iii. Elemental Forest

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Poison Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Absorption Abortion, Explosive Mana,

Skill Build:

Mages In The Middle / Mass Mages

Level 2: One of Each (Only Fire for mass mages)
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
level 7: Generalism

Mages At The Ends

Level 2: Poison
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase


1.Start off with the 4 mages in the middle, upgrade them at the end of wave 2 or 3, depending on how good/bad you're doing.

Upgrade them for a bit.

2.Once you have no more upgrades for a while, and have lots of cash, pave and make 2 mages on the ends of the strips.

3.Upgrade everyone... when you have tons of cash again (maybe wave 13 or something?) Just pave the space in between your 4 mages, and on the other strips of land, and mass mages. DONT upgrade them till after wave 16 (the one with fire absorb), then upgrade them as much as you want.

iv.Curious Stones

Skill Build:
Mages: Empowerment,Energy Focus,Poison Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Absorption Abortion, Explosive Mana,Mana Degradation

Unit Build:

Top Mage
Level 2: Energy
Level 3: Infect
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase

All Other Mages
Level 2: Energy/Cold(Half/Half)
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
level 7: Generalism


1. Start off with the 3 mages in the triangle formation near the middle. Add in the mage at the top, and the 3 mages at the bottom when you have the chance (not entirely sure whether you can do this without losing lives, comment if something goes wrong or is fine)

2.Upgrade the 3 mages at the bottom only for a bit, until it looks like you might leak the wave, then upgrade the middle and top guys.

3.Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade, then once you have gold, pave tiles and mass more mages.

v.Path To Shoreview

Skill Points:
Mages:Empowerment,Fire Focus,Poison Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Absorption Abortion, Infliction, Mana Degradation, Mana Exploitation

Unit Build:

All Mages
Level 2: Poison
Level 3: Infect
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase
Level 9: Holy

1. Build the mage in the middle. Upgrade it whenever it levels.

vi. Fallen Mines

Skill Points:
Mages: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Poison Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Absorption Abortion, Explosive Mana, Mana Degradation, Mana Exploitation,

General: Hardy

Unit Build:

Level 2: Fire if red / Cold if Blue
Level 3: Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
level 7: Generalism


1.Start off by building the 2 blue mages and one red mage, and add in the other red mage whenever you have the time. DON'T UPGRADE YOUR RED MAGES. (the red mages are still black at this point, i'm just calling them red to correspond with the picture)

2.As soon your blue mages level, UPGRADE THEM. In order to win this level, you have to upgrade them as soon as they level.
By wave 3, you should have your blue guys upgraded to level 5. If you don't, then either you're unlucky, or you didn't upgrade them fast enough. Continue upgrading your blue mages.
RBW4, your blue mages should be fully upgraded. During wave 4, only upgrade ONE of your blue mages (the 1st one that levels up). Do NOT upgrade the other blue mage.

3.RBW5: Upgrade your red mages to the maximum level they can be upgraded to. I think I leaked this level once.

vii. The Concert

Skill Points:
Warrior: Ferocity, Lava Forging, Energetic Forging, Physical Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Imbued Arrows, Intense Training, Brutal Training, Tactical Negation

Unit Builds:

Purple Marked Warriors
Level 2: Energy
Level 3: Critical
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Archery
Level 6: Damage
Level 7: Generalism
Level 8: Damage

All Other Warriors
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Critical
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


1.Start with 4 warriors in bottom (2 purple marked, and the 2 fire ones next to them) . Upgrade them all to level 3.
As soon as you have the money during wave 3 (after upgrading everyone to level 3), add the 2 purple warriors up top.
2.RBW4: Add 2 fire warriors on the bottom and the one purple to the left.
Upgrade your top 2 warriors/left warrior to level 3.
3.RBW6 and during wave 6, upgrade everyone to level 4. Do so for your new units as well.
4.RBW8/During W8: Upgrade everyone to the max, and add the 2 warriors on the bottom.

The picture stops after Wave 8. Begin to fill the inner circle bottoms up with warriors. Should be done by wave 10.
*Leaked wave 10 twice

5. Upgrade everyone as soon as they level, start filling the outer ring bottoms up as well. Upgrade everyone before you start adding more warriors. I had the map full at around wave 17.

5. Continue to upgrade and mass.

viii. The Frog Puddle

Skill Points:
Warrior: Ferocity, Lava Forging, Noxious Forging, Physical Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Brutal Training, Tactical Negation

General: Hardy, Tough

Unit Build:
Level 2: Fire/Poison (Red Guys Fire, Green Guys Poison)
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


1.Start off with 3 in mid, add in 2 on both sides, try to wait till 50g so you can add each pair at the same time.
2.During waves 2-3, upgrade the red ones to the max as soon as they level.
3.RBW4: Upgrade your green guys to the max. Continue upgrading them during waves 4 and 5.
4.RBW6: Upgrade your fire guys to the max.
5. After this, just upgrade anyone whenever they level.

Part 3: The End

i. Not So Vast Forest

Skill Build:
Warrior: Ferocity, Cold Forging, Energetic Forging, Poison Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Brutal Training,
General: Frugal, Miser, Skintflint , Hardy

Unit Build:

Level 2: Poison
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


1.Start building warriors according to the picture from the middle outwards. Fill every tile.

2.After you've filled up all the slots, upgrade your warriors as soon as they level. Be sure not to be lazy, and upgrade your warriors before you send in the next wave. It's hard to keep up.
*Leaked the 2nd to last level once. Thats what the hardy is for :D

*Note: Gold doesn't matter that much in this levle, so consider taking more lives instead of going my skintflint route. The last 2 levels were sort of close for me.

ii. Spine Of Kraxos

Skill Build:
Warrior: Ferocity, Cold Forging, Energetic Forging, Physical Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Brutal Training, Tactical Negation

General: Hardy, Frugal, Miser, Skintflint

Unit Build:

Level 2: Energy
Level 3: Debuff/Slow
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Generalism

Level 2: Energy/Cold (the ones right below the mages have to be energy, Half/Half)
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Archery for the ones right below the mages / Tactician Otherwise
Level 6: Damage


1. Start off with 4 warriors, 2 per side at the very bottom. Upgrade them to level 2.
RBW2: add the 4 mages in the middle.
During wave 3, add the 4 warriors between those 2.
RBW5: Upgrade your mages to level 2.
RBW6/During: upgrade your mages to level 3
RBW7: Upgrade all your warriors to level 3.

2.I lost a bunch wave 11, so upgrade your mages to level 4 before then to prevent that.
Upgrade your 2 warriors right before mages to level 4.
Now, split your upgrades between your warriors and archers.
Wave 15 is another air wave, try to get your archers to level 5.
Upgrade whoever whenever from now on, focusing on your warriors/archers

*leaked wave 20 once.
*leaked wave 11 due to not level 4 mages and 1 lane without an archer.

iii. The Old Throne

Skill Build:
Mage: Empowerment, Fire Focus, Energy Focus, Destruction
Warrior: Ferocity, Lava Forging, Energetic, Physical Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Tactical Negation, Brutal Training,

General: Frugal

Unit Builds:

Teal Warriors:
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Archery
Level 6: Damage

All Other Warriors:
Level 2: Fire/Energy (Half/Half)
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage

4 Top Mages:
Level 2: Fire (2 closest to the bottom platform) / Energy (2 other ones)
Level 3: Infect (closest) / Debuff (others)
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase

All Other Mages:
Level 2: Energy/Fire(Half/Half)
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
Level 7: Generalism

1. Start with 4 mages up there. Add the 2 teal warriors, then the 4 yellow warriors, then fill the bottom row with mages as shown in the picture.
RBW6/During, upgrade the 2 top mages closest to the platform to level 3.
Finish filling the tiles with warriors, according to the picture.

2.Start upgrading everyone to level 2, doing your bottom platform mages last. Upgrade your teal marked warriors and top 4 mages to level 4.
RBW11: Upgrade the rest of your mages to level 3
*leaked most of wave 11
Upgrade your top 4 mages/teal warriors ASAP from now onto the end of the level.
*leaked most of wave 12 too (had 8/6 lives after)

3.Upgrade your warriors/mages evenly now (ASAP the ones mentioned earlier).

*leaked wave 15 once.

4. RBW24, I would just fill the remaining tiles with warriors.
Should be no more leaks, except maybe 1 or 2 during wave 24 (I didn't fill everything with warriors though).

iv.Captured Shipyard

Skill Points:
Warrior: Ferocity, Cold Forging, Energetic Forging, Physical Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Brutal Training,

General: Hardy, Tough, Indomitable, Frugal, Miser, Skintflint, Teacher

Unit Build:

Level 2: Physical
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage
Level 7: Generalism


1.Start with the 6 warriors near the bottom (the yellows)
Upgrade them as soon as they level, ASAP.
2.RBW5: Add mage on bottom. (I would just replace this with a warrior)
RBW7: add the 7 wars up top (the blues)
Upgrade them as soon as they level.
During wave 8, just finish up putting warriors on the tiles.

3.At this point, upgrade the original 13 warriors you have, then upgrade the ones you massed whenever they level. When you get tons of cash, pave and place warriors like i did according to my picture. I may have palced too much though, so consider paving/placing 4 less warriors than I did.

*Leaked a lot level 19, but everything was like less than half health. I think that if I didn't waste so much gold on paving, and if my mage actually did something, i might be able to beat that wave with very few leaks. Maybe try to place mage earlier.

*leaked once level 20.

Had about 5 lives left.

v. Stonefield Border

Skill Points:
Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Energy Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Explosive Mana,

Warrior: Ferocity, Fire Forging, Energetic Forging, Physical Forging, Noxious Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Brutal Training,

Unit Builds:

Blue Marked Mages:
Level 2: Fire/Poison
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism
Level 8: Large Increase

All Other Mages:
Level 2: Fire/Poison(Half/Half)
Level 3: Slow
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
Level 7: Generalism

Level 2: Fire/Poison (Half/Half)
Level 3: Consecrate
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


"back" in this stage means the ones most away from the entrance.

1. Start with the 2 warriors closest to the middle of the map.
RBW2: add the 2 mages marked in blue.
RBW4: add the 2 mages marked in yellow
RBW5: add 3 mages marked in red.
RBW6: add the last mage marked in red.
During W6: Add 2 more mages near the blue marked ones.
During W7: Complete the picture with the last 2 mages and warriors.

Upgrade everyone to level 2, starting from the back.
Start upgrading mages to level 3, for wave 11.
Upgrade mages to level 4.
RBW16: Upgrade warriors to max evenly (doing back then front, back then front).

2.Upgrade everyone evenly now.

*leaked the 2nd to last wave - 3 of them, and an early boss once.

vi. Lighthouse Ruins

Skill Build:
Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Cold Focus,Poison Focus,Destruction, Infliction, Explosive Mana, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Mana Degradation, Mana Exploitation,

General: Frugal, Miser, Skintflint, Builder, Erector, Constructor, Joinery, Teacher, Instructor (I almost died though, so consider swapping these for lives)

Unit Build:

Topmost Mages
Top Mage
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Infect
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism

Yellow Marked Mages
Top Mage
Level 2: Cold
Level 3: Debuff
Level 4: Specialism
Level 5: Inflictor
Level 6: Large Increase
Level 7: Specialism

All Other Mages
Level 2: Fire/Cold(Half/Half)
Level 3: Slow
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
Level 7: Generalism


1.Start off with the 2 blue marked Mages
RBW2:Then the 2 black marked mages
RBW3:Then the 2 mages (all the way up top)
RBW4:Then the 2 yellow marked mages, upgrade your 4 middle mages to level 2.
RBW5: Pave and make the 2 pink marked mages.
RBW6: Upgrade everyone to level 2. Upgrade ur topmost guys to level 3.

I had the mage at the bottom because i didn't upgrade my topmost guys to level 3.

2.Now upgrade everyone to level 3.
Then upgrade everyone to level 4, but do your topmost guys last.
Now upgrade whoever whenever, but doing your topmost guys last.
*leaked wave 15 once.

3.RBWave 16, you should have lots of gold, so pave and make some more mages. Upgrade stuff before you pave though. These mages didn't really do much for me though: consider making warriors instead.

*leaked a lot wave 18.
*leaked wave 20 once
*leaked 4 wave 24, down to 3 lives

4.Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade.
I made the other 2 squares wave 21, but it wasn't worth it. You can skip that.
Wave 22 is tight: be sure to upgrade everything ASAP.

vii. The Evil Throne

Skill Build:

Mage:Empowerment, Fire Focus, Energy Focus, Speed Casting, Destruction, Magical Might, Bypass Armour, Explosive Mana, Absorption Abortion, Mana Exploitation, Mana Degradation, Magical Manipulation

General:Frugal, Miser, Skintflint, Hardy, Tough, Indomitable, Teacher, Instructor, Altered States

Unit Build:


Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
Level 7: Generalism

Level 2: Physical
Level 3: Critical
Level 4: Generalism
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


1.Start off building and completing the mage setup in the picture.
Upgrade evenly, except rush 2 units per side to level 3, and rush all level 4 to level 5. (when i say rush, i mean the 1st level 2 unit that can be upgraded to level 3 should be, even if you haven't upgraded everyone to level 2 yet.
*leaked lots wave 9/11
Prioritize the 2 mages per side closest to the middle corridor.

2. At around wave 13, you should have lots of gold, so fill up the top and bottom squares with warriors. Upgrade everyone when they level, focusing on mages first.
When you reach the point where the enemies die before they even reach the bottom, STOP upgrading your mages, and focus on your warriors.

3.At around wave 21, you should have lots of gold, and since you shouldn't upgrade your mages any further, go ahead and fill out every square with warriors. The picture doesn't cover this because it looks messy.

4.At the final boss level, just focus on upgrading the warriors on 1 square to a very high level (7 or so). You need about 5 lives in order to beat this.

Part 4: The Beginning - Revisited

Skill Build:
Warrior: Warrior:Ferocity, Cold Forging, Energetic Forging, Fire Forging, Archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Stunted Absorption, Battlefield Tactics, Intense Training, Brutal Training, Tactical Negation

General:Frugal, Miser, Skintflint, Scouts, Telescopes, Camouflage, Teacher, Instructor, Altered STates, Natural Corruption

Unit Builds:

Level 2: Left Fire, Middle Energy, Right Cold
Level 3: Armor Pierce
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Tactician
Level 6: Damage


1. Build 3 warriors, upgrade them as appropriate when you have the gold, spread out as evenly as you can.

ii. Lower Karnagh - Revisited

Skill Build:
Mage: Empowerment,Fire Focus,Energy Focus,Cold Focus,Destruction, Bypass Armor, Magical Might, Explosive Mana, Absorption Abortion, Mana Degradation, Mana Exploitation,

General:Frugal, Miser, Skintflint, Scouts, Telescopes, Camouflage, Teacher, Instructor,

4 free points

Unit Build:

All Mages
Level 2: Fire
Level 3: Debuff/Slow (Half/Half)
Level 4: Generalist
Level 5: Destruction
Level 6: Massive Damage
Level 7: Generalism


1.Start off with the 4 mages up top.
Upgrade everyone ASAP.
RBW9: add all the mages in the middle.
Upgrade everyone ASAP.

III. Changelog

Version 1.1b - 7/31/08
Fixed errors in skill point allocations.
Revised The Not So Vast Forest walkthrough.

Version 1.1 - 7/28/08 Miscellaneous typos fixed.
Added Hardcore walkthrough for Lower Karnagh.
Added the quicklinks.

Version 1.0 - 7/27/08 - Revised Achirion Wastes Walkthrough to make it a little less uneffective.
Revised Old Shaven Road Walkthrough: Very consistent no leak strategy with only 7 skill points!
Revised The Path to Shoreview.
Added The Concert, Frog Puddle, Not So Vast Forest, Spine of Kraxos, The Old Throne, Captured Shipyard, Stonefield Border, Lighthouse Ruins, The Evil Throne strategies.
Started Hardcore Walkthrough.

Version 0.6b - 7/26/08 - Made the walkthrough easier on the eyes by reformatting it (adding table of contents, bolding stuff, adding changelog/things to do sections, etc.)
Reswapped Old Shaven Road/The Forgotten Bridge place positions.

Version 0.6 - 7/25/08 - Finished up to 13 levels of the walkthrough

IV. Things to do

2.Redo the "lost levels" that I accidentally deleted, if needed.
3.Address any other possible flaws in the walkthrough.
6.Add a Special thanks part (to the forgotten for path to shoreview, the concert and mrrubix for the last level).
7.Maybe take out some caps locked stuff?


James said...

Yeah, I'm excited about the release of this game too! I didn't even know it was coming. Good luck with playing through and coming up for some awesome strategies. I can't wait until you are done!

Malachi said...

Wow, that was fast! Another great walkthrough, Northern!

Anonymous said...

No offense, but your walk through for the Old Shaven Road level is crap. There is no way that you beat it using that strategy. Sure its starts out fine, but by the time I get enough money to get a third mage its game over.

Anonymous said...

hmm i thought it was a little harder to understand.

NorthernPolarity said...

@1st anon, I've been doing these walkthroughs step for step, so in that playthrough, it worked for some miraculous reason. But after I replayed it, I found out you're absolutely right. I'll obsolete it and try to find something that works.

@2nd anon which parts were hard to understand? I'm not going to make it look nicer atm, but when I get around to it, I need to know what parts were confusing. (Look at the 2nd level for the one closest to being neat)

NorthernPolarity said...

Ok, Old Shaven Road is fixed by moving it after the forgotten bridge (I did the bridge with a couple skill points to spare), and going -unit cost. See if that works out for you.

Anonymous said...

NorthernPolarity, if you need assistance on some of the levels, I have 19 out of the first 21 completed except for Captured Shipyard and The Concert (lag issues, only runs at like 1 FPS).

Anonymous said...

I cant' fight the forgotten bridge level.....

Anonymous said...

sorry, I mean, I can't FIND the fogotten bridge level..

Anonymous said...

The path to shoreview only works to wave 7.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for your work on this walkthrough. It should help alot on those tough levels.

I followed your guideline to the letter on 'Achirion Wastes' and still managed to loose on the 19th wave ;\

Having real difficulties with this one. Perhaps there is another way to do it that guarantees success more.

Anonymous said...

^ With regard to my last comment:

Redid the level with a tactic based on the one in your guide. Instead of putting any warriors up the top at earlier levels I kept them all at the lower portion of the screen and kept them upgraded (slowly placing more warriors upwards when cash was available.)

Also changed the two bottom wizards to use slow instead of debuff.

Seems this way worked much better, had one leak of the boss on wave 15, 4 leaks on wave 19 and again 1 leak of the boss on the final wave. Finished with 17 lives.


Anonymous said...

There's a typo in the Curious Stones. Should say Energy/Cold, not Energy/Poison.

Anonymous said...

There's no Forgotten Bridge level if you're doing this in the order you've indicated. Where is it?

Anonymous said...

Ok figured it out.

You actually have to beat the Old Shaven Road first before the Bridge opens up.

The strategy you already have these is actually perfectly fine (I did it without the Skintflint skill or whatever it was) -- just upgrade the top guy to poison ASAP, build a new mage down below and upgrade him to poison as well ASAP. Then just fill in the bottom with poison mages and upgrade everyone as soon as possible/as much as possible. Did it with 2 lives to spare.

Anonymous said...

The forgotten Bridge map isn't appearing for me. Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

In response to what I said earlier about the strategy for Old Shaven Road not working, it does to an extent. I tweaked it a little with what someone else did but for the most part it worked out. I think its just a random thing that works and doesn't some of the time.

Anonymous said...

Old Shaven Road worked fine for me. Thank you. The reason probable was that I had extra skill points to use before it. There are easier levels that you don't say to do first. I'm not trying criticize though. Great job on the walkthrough.

Anonymous said...

beat all the levels except the final level : The New Throne.
Its rediculously difficult

meenee said...

I'm stuck on the "fallen mine" level. Was able to take care of the frogs, but I failed at the bats that came after them. How do you damage them? Any tips for this level?

Dwaxe said...

I can't wait for the rest of this walkthrough to be finished!

Anonymous said...

A few people have asked me for help on 'The Concert'.

Anyway, here's how i did it. It's probably not the best way but it worked for me and only 1 leak.


Basically started with the purple soldiers nearer the bottom, upgraded those first and used consecration. Try to get at least the 5 archers I have there to take out the lvl 10 boss.

After that I just kept the purple guys upgraded, began adding the soldiers with fire from the inside out and waited for the end.

Leaked once on the flying boss.


Anonymous said...

Need help for the Very Hard level! I keep getting wasted!

NorthernPolarity said...

@TheForgottenOne - I tried your strategy for the wastes level (using 4 skill points), and it didn't really do as well as you did. It still was better than mine (I had 6 lives to spare instead of one), but I couldn't get it to work effectively. Are you upgrading your warriors like I did? Did you place your units at around the same time as I did? Tell me whats different between the executions of the strategy.

Anonymous said...

Need Captured Shipyard strategy!

NorthernPolarity said...

@35K Thanks!

@MeeNeeCat: Did you look at my strategy? This level basically requires getting your mages up to a very specific level to allow it to do more damage than it has armor. If you did follow my strategy, maybe you didn't have the skill points? If don't have the amount of skill points that I had that level, it probably can't be done.

@Random Anons, The Old Shaven Road Strategy is now in its proper place (before the forgotten bridge), and works effectively now.

@Other Random Anons, I'll add the later levels when I get to it.

Anonymous said...


For Waste, I placed my skill points differently. Got the basic attack upgrade and cold upgrade for mage and warrior (skipped hardy etc.)

I've retried it using the same method again (like the one you've put now in your guide) and this time finished with 9 lives leftover (from the original 20).

I'm guessing I either got lucky the first time or upgraded in some pattern that made more sense ;o If I did I sure don't know what it was ^^

Anonymous said...

Oh also, you may wish to revise your tactic for Path to shoreview. There is a much simpler way that works.

Keep the skill points you mentioned but put the mage here:

Upgrade him ASAP every single time he levels (if you have the cash). Follow the specialism->inflicter->large increase path.

If you mess up on wave 1 with upgrading it's possible to leak. Also it could be possible on wave 6 but so far in 3 tries of this tactic I've leaked nothing.

When you can (probably around wave 9) upgrade to Holy.

You should finish the round without a leak.

Anonymous said...

The Very Hard level 'Captured Shipyard' some people have asked help for. Here's how I managed it:

Skills: Ferocity, physical forging, fire forging, energy forging, finesse, intimidation, armour ignore, battlefield tactics, absorption abortion, brutal training intense training

Frugal, miser, skinflint, hardy, tough, indomitable, scouts, telescope & teacher

(If you've managed lighthouse already, which I haven't, you'll have an extra skillpoint to play with. I'd put it in camouflage to lower the enemy hp % more but it probably could also go into Instructor)

Upgrade path: Physical, consecrate, general, tactician, damage (repeat)

^Check image for positioning

Start with building warriors on the red marks. Upgrade the upper ones to physical and try to fill out all the lower blue marks with warriors.

Around wave 3-4ish add warriors in the green spots. Don't worry about the lower guys not getting much exp, it isn't so important. Focus on keeping everyone upgraded.

Try not to upgrade anyone to physical attacks on wave 6 if they will not be able to gain consecrate. (same goes for wave 10 + 19)

Around wave 9 start to pave and put warriors on the orange spots if you have the cash and no one needs upgrading. Continue this way (doing the yellow spots next).

Keep everyone upgraded, continue to pave + add warriors when viable (preferably in the upper screen area) and you should be able to complete the level.

Leaked one of the earlier boss and almost the entirety of wave 19. Make sure you have enough lives to be able to leak wave 19 (about 10 or so of them at least) or you'll fail.


I'm not saying this is the best way to do it, I'm sure it isn't but it worked for me ^^. Hope it helps those asking. Sorry for the crappy screenshot but I forgot to track it in-game.


(If anyone has some tips for the 'lighthouse ruins' level or the 'New throne' I'd love to have them. Having a terrible time with them both. Leave a comment here or a shout at kongregate [nick: ForgottenOneHyp]. It'd be much appreciated!)

Dwaxe said...


I achieved it with your strategy, but only had Frugal-Skinflint without the other general tree skills, and used Archers instead of tacticians on the top.

The archers instead of tacticians helped a lot.

Anonymous said...

I only have the New Throne left to beat. Hell of a level. I keep losing.

NorthernPolarity said...

Lighthouse Ruins is up, now for the level that everyone thinks is crazy...

Anonymous said...

Not So Vast Forest and Spine Of Kraxos can be beat very very early. It would make it easier on you if you included them earlier. I have extra skillpoints for a lot of the levels.

Anonymous said...

just a suggestion:
For "The Concert", you said to get consecration even though there are no levels where it is useful (since nothing is strong against purple or red). I instead went with armour piercing, and while yes, it gave me the same result, it just seems to make more sense since nearly every monster has armour.
That said, great walkthrough, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have anything for the last level?

Anonymous said...


If you need a strategy for the last level, give mine a shot:

Anonymous said...

I'm having some trouble with Old Shaven Road.

Anonymous said...

Thx for the last two levels ^^ Lighthouse ruins worked perfectly.

I didn't use fire-warriors as suggested for New Throne but instead just physical. Leaked around 5 from lvl 9+11 and twice on the final boss.

NorthernPolarity said...

Ah crap, that was a typo. Fire warriors would have gotten you killed >.>

Aleve said...

Erm, while for Stonefield Border you say "Mages marked with x color," the picture has nobody marked with anything. :O

NorthernPolarity said...

@anon - old shaven road? Did you follow my instructions / have the skill points needed? I specifically fixed that level so that it worked consistently.

@andrew thanks, fixt.

Anonymous said...

For the picture on stonefield border, the colors you mention in the strategy(ie. bule marked mage)aren't there.

Dave and Tyler said...

the walkthrough you have for the frog pond is'nt working, ive tried it multiple times, and nothing

Anonymous said...

@hoikj: I've never had any problems with this walkthrough, must be something you're doing wrong

Anonymous said...

Northerpolarity, I don't know if you've noticed, but somtimes the units are named after you! Here's a picture:

Unknown said...

For "The not so vast forest" I think I have a better (and easier) solution: Mass warriors.


Ferocity, Poison forging, energy forging, finesse, archery, Intimidation, Armor Ignore, Battlefield Tactics, Stunted Absorption, Brutal Training, Intense training, and Tactical negation.


Poison (all except for the last few ones, read further down)

Start by building warriors on the middle spots, then upgrade as possible and add more warriors with the remaining cash.

When your units are upgraded and you're out of spots to put warriors, pave and place warriors. Again, start at the middle and radiate outwards.

One thing to keep in mind is that the last critter is weak to energy but also poison absorb. So when you upgrade the last warriors you put down, make sure you have enough experience to get them "consecrate" or don't upgrade them until the last level and make them energy warriors.

This enabled me to finish the level with no leaks. I also did it earlier with less skill points and had to put a couple of points in the general tab to get more lives because I leaked the final levels once or twice each.

NorthernPolarity said...

K.os @ my walkthrough for the vast forest is pretty bad, i'll admit, but it's really easy to follow (fill all spaces right away, upgrade everyone at level 7), and gets the job done anyways. If I have trouble in hardcore, I'll use yours though :D

@hayden Yar, they did that in the past protector as well.

@hiokj Did you have the necessary skill points and do everything I say?

Anonymous said...

I'm having some tough luck with Fallen Line.
1 live >.>
Must be my timing.

Anonymous said...

what level has the most enemies?

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the guide on the last 2 levels!
but for the final map i used fire mages and physical warriors! this way it was much much easier!
I had 13 lives starting with 28
and the corruptor made 3 circles so 10 lives to spare.

Anonymous said...

On "The Not So Vast Forest," I followed K.os's warrior guide and beat the level first try. I must have messed up your strategy because I failed 3 times.

NorthernPolarity said...

@anon - Did you have the skill points to do Not So Vast Forest my way? I tried it again and beat it without a problem. If other people are having problems, I'll switch to K.os's strategy, since I chose such a leaky strategy so it would be easy to follow and execute.

@other anon - It was a typo for the last level, warriors were supposed to be physical.

Anonymous said...

Wave 12 of Stonefield Border leaks like hell when I try this strategy.

Anonymous said...

The Old Throne needs to be fixed,
#1 There is an extra skill point
#2 I lost all my lives on wave 12 (i had 15 on the start of it >>)

Otherwise Pretty good job so far :)

Anonymous said...

RBL5 RBW?? what does that stuff mean?

d00terr said...


RBW = right before wave
RBL5 = right before level 5

Anonymous said...

I have a decent hardcore path to shoreview strategy. You make three mages and place them in the exact same spots that you do on normal difficulty.

During the beginning of wave 1, place the rear-most mage. Once the first wave is about 1/3 out, place the middle mage. When the wave is about 2/3 out, place the final mage closest to the entrance.

Front and rear mages should be upgraded
2. Poison
3. Infect
4. Specialist
5. Inflictor
6. Massive increase
7. Specialist
8. Massive increase (if you get that far, but probably not)

Try to keep the rear mage one poison level ahead until the front and rear mages reach level six

The middle mage is the cleanup guy. He gets upgraded like this:
2. poison
3. Infect
4. Generalist
5. Destructor
6. Massive incrase
7. Generalist

The middle mage is actually a little tricky. You can't upgrade him too quickly or he will take experience from the rear mage. You have to watch the armor ratings in to know when to upgrade this so that the enemies' armor doesn't get too strong. The purpose of this mage is 'clean up' anything that doesn't get killed by the poison.

Using this strategy, I leaked one or two enemies up through wave 8, and a bunch on wave 9. The middle mage becomes useless on wave 10 because the boss has a whopping 500 armor. That makes warriors worthless too. The final boss will make two or three circuits before it dies.

You need 14 mage skills (all but the two quickspell skills), and you should be able to purchase everything in the general tree except the paving skills (which are useless IMO).

Anonymous said...

To those looking for
"Captured Shipyard"

I completed with only 5 leaks.

There are two 'special' location where your warrior will gain much faster experiences and do much more damage.

Once you position at these two positions and max them asap. The rest of the stage is chicken.

Happy finding these two secret position.

Cafe_Cafe said...

NorthernPolarity credits are much more noticeable @ Online Games.
Also linked Cocak front page.

Goku said...

your walkthrough for " Old Throne"
does not work.pleaes look at it again

Anonymous said...

Question: Why does it suddenly go from 16 skills in Spine of Kraxos to 18 skills in The Old Throne?

Anonymous said...

Why is Cold Focus/Forging on the list of skills for Stonefield Border, which is fire/poison?

Anonymous said...

I followed the maps in the order you posted them, then when I reached The Old Throne, one extra skill point is needed.

Anonymous said...

Ok on Stonefield Border, when you say start with the two warriors "nearest the middle". which two do you mean? I originally started with the two furthest from the entrace, but that ended up failing, so I started with the other two, and that failed too. I did everythin else you said and had the points required.

Also, why is it that when putting two warriors together like that, the one on top usually takes all the kills no matter how close it is... :(

Focus said...

Although I like revisited walkthroughs, I doubt you need to continue with Hardcore.

Anonymous said...

For "The Old Throne" you don't need the destruction skill point, the level plays just fine without it, I only had 2 of the bottom mages level 5 anyway, so it doesn't make much of a difference

Anonymous said...

The most fun tactic for Not so Vast Forest map!:

Only hire 2 mages place them so they can hit the mobs at the entry points and also so they can hit in the middle.
Train them with cripple, specialism, infliction, etc. This way you can beat it with 2 mages :). Also there is a bug with cripple for example if their hitpoint becomes 1/1 hp, and one of the mages get the killing blow they get _full_ exp for it, so this way you get around 150% more xp for each mob.

Old throne level:
I think its a lot better if u dont place warriors next to the mages because the mobs only pass that passage once. If u place the remaining warriors opposite at the outer passage, this way u have the same amount but all of them can hit the mobs double time.

Anonymous said...

I mean The New Throne level, not Old Throne ;)

Anonymous said...

For Stonefield Border you have an extra point in cold forging (anyone could notice this, but i'd thought i'd point it out :P)

Anonymous said...

Fallen Mine walkthrough is EXTREMELY vagua, and lacks a few essential details, one is that you don't need slow on your mages, cripple works much better with the bats, and you only need one cold mage with generalism and thee other needs to be specialized in lower HP, and upgrade your fire mages any time you want after the first 2 waves. Make them generalists, with cripple, so after your specialist cold mage lowers his hitpoints they can kill him pretty quickly. STOP UPGRADING YOUR STRONG BLUE MAGE AFTER HE DOES JUST OVER 100 DAMAGE! you don't need to upgrade anymore and you are just letting him heal more. Thanks for reading, I died 5 times using the strategy here, I didn't leak the boss with this one, or any monster for that matter.

Anonymous said...

(Sorry if someone already said this; I didn't read all of the other comments)

On the Not So Vast Forest, I was able to beat it while only losing 1 life with another strategy. This was simply to mass poison warriors with consecrate for the last level. (Be sure to use skill points to give yourself 9 lives, this will give you a lot of breathing room.) I leaked the last boss once.
Anyway, try it out and consider updating the guide.

Anonymous said...

For Stone Field Bolder you do not need warriors. Just put all the points into mage tree and get teacher from general and upgrade them with generalism/destructor/mass dmg. I did not beat it with warriors but beat it with all mages and still have 18 lifes left

Anonymous said...

Old Throne didn't quite work out for me. There is an extra skill point listed (although another poster has noted that destruction isn't necessary). I think I leaked all of the one wave where you said you had around 8 lives left.

Unknown said...

I am so pleased you got round to doing the walkthrough so quickly, I love the way you set them out, and for all the ppl who complain that they don't beat a level first time, all I can say is , use this as a guide rather than the total solution...Northern shows us what strategy is needed to beat the level, he's not getting paid, he's doing it as a favour to us all!!!!!
So thankyou Northern , for the time you've spent putting this walkthrough together, i got the card and the easy badge before googling this, but i know your walkthrough is going to get me the medium and hard badges, ty in advance!!

joshhh said...

ahh this was a pretty awesome walkthrough. Thanks to you I have the badges.

NorthernPolarity said...

Thanks for the fix!

@various anons
I'll go fix the skill point errors right now.

@Stonefield Border anon
I meant the 2 warriors closest to the middle of the map. I'll check the strategy if anyone else complains about it.

@Fallen mine anon
Seems to me like the extremely vague comment is just a plug to recommend your strategy. Did anyone else have trouble with the Fallen Mines level using my strategy? I purposely replayed it like 3 times just to make sure it worked. The instructions seem pretty clear to me as well.

Thanks. I did sort of intend this guide to be a total solution though, so any comments explaining which strategies need work does help xD

@Not So Vast Forest Anons
Fine, make my life harder. I'll update using the better strategy.

Anonymous said...

last lvl you can do it with 1 leak, just like you said, focus on a few warriors and make sure u have a lot of money (like 6-700)

Anonymous said...

I think the old throne level only works the way you wrote it this way:

When you say "RBW11: Upgrade the rest of your mages to level 3
*leaked most of wave 11
Upgrade your top 4 mages/teal warriors ASAP from now onto the end of the level."
The most critical part of the upgrade during levels 11 and 12 is getting one of the teal warriors to be an archer. If you don't, you're kind of doomed. I lost this map a couple times because either
A.) The enemies split so evenly that neither one was ready to be an archer.
B.) So many enemies were on the screen on level 12 that the game did not respond to my clicks.

Following your strategy to the letter, but making sure I got one of those guys to be an archer on level 12 made all the difference and had me beat the level with 4 lives left.

Btw, excellent guides (both the old and this one)

Anonymous said...

I'm about 1/2 way through hardcore and this guide still works. Since you get most of the upgrades already, it's even easier than normal.

Anonymous said...

The creator salutes you.

He placed your name as one of the mages ;D.

downbycoleslaw said...

I thought that a few of the guides were quite helpful.

However, on the whole most of the set ups here are overdone and often miss the most effective placement of troops.

In fact, almost all of the levels can be done with fewer troops than listed and with less points. It's also possible to beat the entire game without paving at all.

In short, a helpful guide for beginners. Still, could be much better and more efficient.

downbycoleslaw said...

The main thing that struck me as silly was the lack of "infection" on the final stage.

There are only 2-3 waves with immunity. The poison will cut through the other waves with no problem.

Anonymous said...

your guides are well done for the most part. However, I would figure out a new strategy for "The Old Throne". It isn't working to well for me. I've tried it 3 times.

Other than that, great job!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm struggling with the Old Throne too. I've tried your strategy several times and have been pwned every time. Otherwise, though, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Excellent walkthrough. Very specific and clear. Thanks for taking the time to make this, Nothern :)

Anonymous said...

I'm the Anon at August 4 133pm - I tried a new strategy on the Old Throne, and it worked! Just. I used all mages and no warriors, because the flying levels were what got me using your strategy, as I couldn't level fast enough to get archers.

Try using all mages, and placing two at the top corner of the top square - make them fire, and level each asap. Have purple mages in the corners below them, and fire mages in the corners of the lower square. Spam their levelling, using infect type upgrades, then add in more mages on the lower square. This got me through, although with only one life left (last but one level lost me loads of lives). I'm sure you can improve on it, but just don't use warriors for this level!

Anonymous said...

The strategy for Lost Shhipyard does not work at all for me, the first energy level always kills me. I gave somewahte better success using energy warriors or a mix of energy/physical warriors, but always leak too much around wave 10/11 and die. Any hints?

Anonymous said...

Errr... i mean captured shipyard, sorry.

Anonymous said...

This walkthrough was really helpful. Not all the levels worked out as well as I would have thought, but most of them worked just as good as this walkthrough says it does, and for some reason (probably luck) some of the levels worked better than this walkthrough says. On "The New Throne" ("The Evil Throne" as this walkthrough calls it) level I couldn't get it to work, I tried 3 times, it just wouldn't work for me, I would loose by level 12 every time! To beat it I used the same skills as the walkthrough said, but instead of adding all the mages in the beginning I only added the four in the middle and I added six warriors at the top of the top squares (3 on each side). When I got enough money I added two more warriors next to those six (yet again one on each side). Then I added the mages as the walkthrough says. I leveled up everyone evenly prioritizing the middle mages, the only thing I changed with this is I made the bottom two mages in the middle have infect level 3, specialism level four, so on and so forth (this really did help, by level 11 most of the enemies didn‘t even reach the bottom). I also made the middle top mages ice and the top mages farthest from the middle energy, but I don’t think this mattered much. Once I couldn’t level anyone up anymore and had plenty of money I started filling in the rest of the squares with warrior (just as the walkthrough says) starting with the top two large squares, then the large bottom squares, and finally the outer squares. Level anyone as soon an possible, prioritizing the higher leveled people. I leaked a lot throughout (except the final boss I only leaked him once). I only had two lives left at the end, but at least this tactic allowed me to win it.

Thanks for this walkthrough, it really helped a lot.

Unknown said...

I'm having a lot of trouble on the Fallen Mines level. I do exactly as you say, and the bats still leak every time (wave 4). I've tried other strategies too, but none of them have worked either.

If you have any suggestions, or if you would like me to explain exactly what I'm doing so you can point out errors, I'd be glad to do it.

RadicalCause said...
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Anonymous said...

Nice walkthrough, but your throne strategy doesn't work most of the time.

Anonymous said...

The fix for old throne is to take a point out of destruction and put it in the 2nd cheaper units thing, then upgrade teal warriors earlier so that one gets to be an archer before lvl 11. You won't leak any on 11, but a few on 12. Had 11 lives left instead of 1-4 lives after 12.

Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows, the guide will work most of the time, but luck plays a part in winning this game, too
also, when you click the fast forward thing, the rate of poison stays the same, so in the path to shoreview level, you might need to keep it at slow so the poison works better

RadicalCause said...
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Anonymous said...

I cant get past "The Concert" using your walkthrough. You say to use warriors but Wave 10 is a flying and regen creature so it is impossible to kill. Not all my purple warriors had enough exp to become archers.

Anonymous said...

captured shipyard on hardcore is impossible. the strat for regular doesn't work for hardcore. too many slimes then rats they just waste away the lives. i have the upgrades for lives, xp, paving, and everything for warriors and mages. the walkthrough for the bottom down just doesn't work im going to try again at the top...

Anonymous said...

the same anonymous talking about captured shipyard on hardcore. its impossible it really is.

Anonymous said...

Beated the new throne (At normal mode)

Anonymous said...

I'm a different anonymous.
I just beat the Shipyard on Hardcore. It ain't easy.

Be really careful that you don't overextend yourself with physical warriors. You want to level up the ones you've got as much as possible. Focus on the guys that you can place between the two paths because they get more hits in.

Get a red debuffing specialist in the middle on the ready-paved square after a few levels.

I went into the second to last level with 19 lives, and leaked like crazy, but if you can make it to the last level with a few lives, you'll probably only leak once or twice.

Best of luck.

Anonymous said...


I was wondering if in your strategy guide you could say which mage and warrior development paths lead to what cool stuff

Does type (fire, ice) matter for later choices, or is that only strenghts and weaknesses

I see thinks like quick spell, archer, rogue, etc, but I can never get them. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

Beated all in hardcore mode :)

TheLabRat said...

I seem to be having the Forgotten Bridge Problem. I've done everything in the order you show and still no FOrgotten Bridge level. Just wondering if I've done something terribly wrong. Heh.

THanks for the walkthrough. I don't exactly use it step by step but it's very helpful for knowing what types of monsters I'll be facing so I don't have to go in game, look at the tabs, end the game, go back to the skill tree, and so on, as well as getting a sense of the impending enemy path.

You rule.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, much appreciated!

Lancer873 said...

Thanks! Very helpful... but it desperately needs a guide for the not-so-vast forest considering that there's a badge for it...

Lancer873 said...

Oh, whoops... It seems that I didn't see that he did have one, i was just confused with the location of it... thank you very much for this!

Ariel said...
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Ariel said...

Generally great walkthroughs, but your Forgotten Bridge one is obviously FUBARed. You reference red warriors on the bottom, but the red warriors are at the top. You then reference blue warriors on the top, but the blue warriors are on the bottom. That difference would probably explain why folks are losing with your setup, since you end up starving the bottom of all the xp that it was supposed to get.

edited to remove double post... whoops :P

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the walkthrough! I loved the first one and this one's just as great!

However, I couldn't beat Fallen Mines with your strategy for some reason. I kept leaking the bats like crazy. The way I beat it was by turning one of the Blue Mages into an Inflictor with Cripple, which wastes the Obsidian Bats pretty quickly AND cuts down on the damage the boss can absorb. Making two blue Destructors, I just couldn't stop the bats, but my way worked the first attempt. Go figure.

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