Sunday, July 22, 2007

Badge: Speck Revolution

Speck Revolution Badge
Game: Speck Oppression
Level: Hard (30 Points)

Requirements: Complete level 16 in Speck Oppression

In-Depth Strategy:

Well well looks like a picture is worth a few 16,000 of my words! =D thanks to kanecwk91 and JRinke

Lvl 1…

Lvl 2…

Lvl 3…

Lvl 4…

Lvl 5…

Lvl 6…

Lvl 7…

Lvl 8…

Lvl 9…

Lvl 10…

Lvl 11… by kanecwk91

Lvl 12…

Lvl 13…

Lvl 14…

Lvl 15… (Imo is a lot of luck. You just have to keep trying it)

Lvl 16…

Im going to try and start explaining the strategy a little bit better since people are still having some trouble.

Levels 1-8 are pretty much a gimme if you follow my pictures. Heck, some of them, you dont even have to follow my picture exactly.

Level 9 – This is the first tricky one but it’s still not too hard. You pretty much want to transport as many sparks out of the original square and into the triangles as possible. You probably won’t get all the sparks out of the square though, AND you don’t have to to win. It’s important to spread them evenly though. Once I got a sufficient amount of sparks out of the square, I put both transmitters in seperate triangles and this seemed to increase the amount of power generated to help win.

Level 10 – Just put the Collector right next to the 2nd transmitter. Easy as that.

Level 11 – This is one of the harder levels. An important part of this level is having an equal amount of sparks on each collector. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but very close. If you have an equal amount of sparks in each box and you still can’t win, you VERY SLOWLY want to start tightening up the boxes. Be sure to have the collectors right in the middle of the box also. If you start getting the walls too close without even spacing the collector, you will start to explode the sparks. If this happens, you may want to start if you lose 2 or more. If you only lose 1, you should be just fine, but just remember, more is always better.

Level 12 – Use the transmitters to transmit the sparks to each little rectangle. You WILL want to empty every last spark out of the original square. Put less sparks in the small box and more in the big box. I counted approximately 35 sparks in all for this level. You want about 5-6 in the medium box, 8-10 in the medium box, and about 17-20 in the last one. Once you get all the sparks separated accordingly, it’s pretty much just a waiting game for all the sparks to hit right.

Level 13 – Pretty easy level. Once you get the walls set up, just keep the collectors far enough from the walls so none of the sparks explode but far away enough from each other so they don’t drain energy. If you are having trouble winning, just keep tightening the vertical wall in till you get it.

Level 14 – This one can also be pretty tricky. You have to be careful about this one about not destroying sparks because of all the small angles that are created. You want to try and keep the collectors closer to the wider angles and away from the small ones. Once again, you want to keep the amount of sparks in each box equal, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Level 15 – What I did was immediately flip the bottom side of the movable wall all the way over to the other side and then the top side to the bottom all the way over. Once you have the wall setup, there isn’t much you can do but hope that enough sparks get caught. The absolute lowest number of sparks you can have to win is 4. So after you have enough sparks, you want to SLOWLY start tightening the wall in. You will want to move it in a little closer than normal because it will take a spark almost near the point of explosion for the collector to get enough energy. If you destroy too many sparks trying to get enough energy though, you’ll just have to start over.

Level 16 – This is kinda a mix of level 11 and 14. You have to move the walls extremely close to collectors so the sparks will create enough energy but if you create the angles too close too the collectors, you will very quickly have sparks exploding on you. Once again, try to get an equal number of sparks in each box since they are all about the same size. You may also find yourself waiting a couple minutes for all the sparks to create enough energy. If you end up waiting for more than a few minutes though, you probably need to just keep moving the walls in closer, but of course need to be vigilant about creating the spaces too small so none of the sparks explode. I would suggest starting over if you lose more than 2 sparks.

And that is all the levels with pictures and a small strategy for each one. The picture of Level 11 was not taken by me so I cannot claim it as mine.

This strategy was posted by JRinke in the forums

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