Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dark Cut 2 is commming...

Dark Cut 2, the sequel to the immensely popular Dark Cut , which-has-a-badge-named-HMO Practitional , is coming out.

Four surgeries, goriness, more use of wea...I mean, tools to operate on your victi...patients, no matter what it takes to fix it, all on a civil war! Oh, and did I mention NSFW :o.

Coming out soon... Or something. Well, let's hope that John doesn't twiddle his thumbs too much that we'll have to operate on them!

PS: Wow, you really want to know more info, ei? Here.

Pss: Don't Digg this

Psss: The Google bar didn't work while searching for that badge page. Damn you Google.

Pssss: Get me caek, my Bday's coming up.

Psssss: Alright, I'll stop. Happy?


Malachi said...

Twice the queasiness.

Anonymous said...

this game is sick... you have to cut off your own legs, and remove maggots from inside someone... its good though. harder than the oirginal. but good.